On Preaching...

Written on 03/23/2022
Garry Spotts

Don’t get caught preaching the bad news of condemnation. The message of damnation is the antithesis of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather than the Gospel of Peace, it becomes the gospel of chaos. It does not convey or transport the life of God purchased in the Life,  Sacrifice, and Victorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Sin is real, and it is an obstacle to a life set free and living in the freedom of Christ. The best direction a preacher can receive is never to use a person’s Sin as a bludgeon to drive them toward Jesus. Too often, you will rush to denounce Sin rather than Announce the Savior. Jesus had compassion for the Sinner, the broken, the bruised, the bound, and the beatdown. So ought we not also join our voices to the Master’s and declare the Acceptable Year of the Lord Has Come.

How can we preach against Sin and not preach for Salvation? They are not the same thing.

Resist the temptation to rail against Sin and call it a Salvation Message. Don’t get caught in the clutches of the bloodlust for punishment announcing, “sinners be damned.” Instead, the call the Master speaks says, “There is hope for the broken, the bruised, the bound and the beatdown.” Grace always outpaces Sin for the forgiven. In this way, Hope, Help, and Peace are the exports of the Gospel Business.