Discipleship - Walking with Jesus Christ!

Written on 05/23/2023
Garry Spotts

Theology and dogma are human creations that are sometimes useful but often fruitless, if not obstructive.  They intend to institutionalize the spirit of Emmanuel, Jesus, who walked ancient Palestine's harsh and unforgiving paths. He came as a human fully clothed in the frailties of mortality with hunger pangs, physical limitations, and capacities.

I have found that most people who believe in Him and follow him are more comfortable with his divinity than with His humanity.  On the other hand, it is the humanness of Jesus that makes Him approachable and authentic as our leader. 

What does it mean to follow Jesus?  This question is not a theological query.  There is no dogma in the life and legacy of Jesus.  He teaches, demonstrates, and challenges us to live our lives as full humans. Following Jesus, promises to restore the empowering trust relationship that humans have not enjoyed since Adam and Eve rejected it and Jesus renewed it.

Today, religious men and women speak about complex theological constructs and theories.  We see others boasting about their so-called “elevation” through the “ranks” of the 5-fold ministry or some manifestation of Spiritual Gifts that prove their worth to the church.

What do any of these things have to do with walking in the large footprints left by Jesus Christ, the anointed One?  Is it possible that we have failed to accurately and faithfully declare the truth about our walk with the Master?

Is not the truth about Jesus Christ, a simple truth? 

Can we reduce a faithful walk with Jesus Christ to a few explicit, straightforward actions?  What work can we do that produces the outcomes that Glorify God, Honor, and exalt Jesus Christ and express the Holy Spirit’s presence, work, and power in our lives?

How can I know God’s Purpose For My Life?

Give Life – Jesus tells his disciples, “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10b NLT 

If our Master’s purpose is to give those He touched a rich and satisfying life, then our purpose is to continue the same work with everyone who will allow us into their lives.  How do we give people rich and satisfying lives?  I must identify my talents and gifts and use them to bless people through Christ’s ministry. Can you cook and teach young women and men how to prepare meals and care for themselves?  Are you an auto mechanic, then use your knowledge of cars to empower people in your community to do simple routine maintenance on their vehicles.  Some people in your midst have never learned how to check their oil or other fluids, fill their tires with air and measure the pressures with a gauge.  If you know how to manage money well, then teach someone how to budget, plan, and save. Give people the tools you use to control their money and help move them toward financial peace.

In each of the ways mentioned above, you have opened the door to an enriched and fulfilling life for the people you touched.

How do we please the Father?

Faith pleases the Father!  Hebrews 11:6 tells us this definitively.  

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”  (KJV) 

We operate with faith daily in ways that we never connect to the faith we need to please the Father. You have acted in faith from the moment you place your feet on the floor to rise in the morning. When you open your mouth to drink water, brush your teeth, dress yourself, walk out the door, and begin your daily activities, you express faith.

Faith moves us from where we are to where we want to be, overcoming the fears that could stifle our movements.  Faith operates in the presence of fear, not in the absence of fear.  Faith is the response to fear.  When you travel across the road, driving or riding, you are moving in faith. You and I know how to live with faith; it is part of the human experience and grows with practice and application.

Those who live by Faith honor and glorify God by trusting the Father. Faith is an expression of Trust in the one who promised to keep us. Proverbs 3:5&6 offer this wisdom,

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.